Instructions: Each of these items are required to attend the MASQ (Muslim Writers Guild of America) Conference.
1. Bring a laptop with a charger cable. If you do not have one, bring a notebook and a pen.
2. Dress is business casual. This means no ripped jeans, no t shirts, no unprofessional attire. At a minimum, a collared dress shirt and a cap is required of all attendees.
3. Make sure you are up to date on your MKA Chanda before attending.
4. Write a letter to Khalifatul Masih (aba). Relate to Huzoor (aba) that you are attending per his guidance to become active in MASQ. Request Huzoor’s (aba) prayers for a successful MASQ Conference and for your success as a writer in defense of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (sa).
5. Offer at least one Tahujjed before attending in which you pray specifically for your own success as a writer, and for Allah’s help.
Each of these five matters should be completed by or before attending the MASQ Conference. Jazakallah.
10:00am Recitation & English Translation of the Holy Qur’an 96:1-6
10:05am Welcome Address By Local Jamaat Sadr
10:10am Welcome Address by Host Qaid
10:15am Chairman’s Address
10:45am MASQ History – Sohaib Awan
11:00am How To Write a Letter to the Editor – Sardar Anees Ahmad
11:50pm How Twitter & Social Media Maximize Impact – Kashif N Chaudhry
12:15pm Salat
12:40pm Lunch
1:20pm Write, Edit, and Send Out Letters On Site
3:55pm Reconvene for Closing Remarks
4:00pm Dua and End Conference
Harrisburg Venue: Hadee Mosque, 245 Division Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110