
Alternatives to Muslim database need to be explored


Originally published in The Cleveland Plain Dealer  Some reports from Trump and his surrogates point to a database that will include Muslims, even those who are U.S. citizens. If Trump decides to create such a database, he risks not only alienating Muslims in general but also innocent Americans who have no connection to extremism and are actually fighting the extremists elements. Developing this...

Baltimore Interfaith


Originally Published in Beliefnet Last month, I heard hope, felt peace, and saw love. These emotions were quite contrary to what  I had the morning after this year’s election. I remember feeling really confused and insecure about what the future held for me, a young Muslim living in America. About a month ago, members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community here in Baltimore decided to have an...

An Ahmadi Muslim’s Letter To Sunni Muslim Leaders In America


Originally published in The Huffington Post On July 8, 2016, prominent American Muslim cleric Imam Omar Suleiman gave a brilliant speech at the Dallas Police memorial: My faith requires me to speak out against hatred and injustice of all sorts… (O God!) We stand before you, ready to stand up … against any oppression, in any name, for any cause, from any position, and against any of...

Muslims ‘condemn all violence’


Originally published in The New Haven Register As we all know, the media is certainly capable of creating a societal misconception. Since 9/11, media across the globe has shown Islam as a radical religion and a global threat. Islam has been the focus of much scrutiny. After this attack, the term “Islamophobia” arose and exaggerated fear, hatred and hostility towards Islam and its followers...

A Rise in Hate Crimes: Imam Killed Outside Mosque


Originally published in Beliefnet By: Mubarak Bashir As a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, we are saddened by the unfortunate and untimely deaths of the victims of  recent hate crimes. We pray for them and their families and hope that justice is served. Over the past few weeks we have seen an increase in hate crimes across the country. A man continually harassed his neighbors because...

African Americans and Muslim Americans


Originally Published in Patheos By: Ibrihim Ahmed “The death toll has now risen to 60 people, and gunmen are still inside the two mosques, carrying out continuous killings”, said the news anchor. I was watching the television with horror along with my two younger sisters. My mother called us from work telling us to stay calm and that everything would be alright. What concerned me was that my...

Oshkosh Mosque Sponsors Blood Drive Friday


Originally Published in The Northwestern Fifteen years. In a few days, it will be the 15-year anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, a painful day which has become the catalyst of so much that has transpired since then. Every day, every terrorist act, every shred of vile rhetoric, brings increased scrutiny to the faith of Islam and its teachings.As a Muslim living in the United States, I have become...

The Burkini Ban


Originally Published in Dallas News By: Nayyar Ahmed Recently, pictures of French police ordering the removal of a burkini worn by a woman at a beach have gone viral on media. In a separate incident, a mosque construction in a Georgia county is facing strong opposition from locals. To add insight, the caliph of Islam Mirza Masroor Ahmad (fifth supreme head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim...

The Caliph, the Khalifa and the way towards peace


Originally published in The Davidsonian If any Church or other place of worship stands in need of protection, they will find us standing shoulder to shoulder with them.” (Message to Pope Benedict XVI, 6 December 2011) Who wrote this to Pope Benedict XVI? His Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the spiritual successor or “Khalifa” in Arabic of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. His Holiness is the leader...

The Narrow-Mindedness of Islamophobes


Originally published in The Mooresville Tribune Although most Muslims believe that defensive wars are permissible in Islam, this man realized that the only way to really defend Islam in this day and age is simply through dialogue and that this was the “Jihad of the age.” This man’s name is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian and he was recognized as the Messiah by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Many...