
Letters to the editor: Terror attack condemned, Middle East peace, and Michigan politics


by Imran Tahir I was utterly shocked and horrified to hear about the truly sadistic suicide bombing in Manchester (U.K.) at the conclusion of a music concert attended by thousands of youth, most of them young girls. Terrorism in all its heinous forms — and especially depraved attacks targeting children — is a painful blight on our society, and needs to be eradicated completely through a...

A Muslim’s Outcry in the Wake of Terror Attacks


Originally Published in Beliefnet on June 8th, 2017 by Nayyar Ahmad Almost all major religions and cultures around the world believe in fasting; Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism etc. Likewise, Islam also enjoins its followers to fast during the month of Ramadhan. Now a week into Ramadhan, Muslims are observing fast from sunup to sundown for 30 days. Apart from abstaining from food and water...

Manchester Attack and Biases


Originally Published in Patheos on June 2nd, 2017 Yesterday, I attended a seminar by Professor Mahzarin Banaji of Harvard University on the topic of unconscious bias. It was an incredibly mind-opening seminar that brought many biases I hold to the surface. But it also enabled me, in a way, to see the biases that other people hold, specifically towards the Muslim community. Last week, 22 people...

A Muslim Response to Manchester


Originally Published on BeliefNet on May 29th, 2017 On Monday, ISIL claimed responsibility for another terrorist attack, this time in the great city of Manchester, England. We do not know for sure if so called Muslims committed this terrorist attack but we should condemn all terrorist attacks no matter who orchestrates them and those who believe in the power of prayer should pray for peace and...