A Muslim Response to Manchester


Originally Published on BeliefNet on May 29th, 2017 On Monday, ISIL claimed responsibility for another terrorist attack, this time in the great city of Manchester, England. We do not know for sure if so called Muslims committed this terrorist attack but we should condemn all terrorist attacks no matter who orchestrates them and those who believe in the power of prayer should pray for peace and...

Muslim-American praises Obama for separating ISIL from Islam


Originally Published in Penn LiveĀ  As I reflect upon 2015, this Muslim-American praises President Obama for separating ISIL from Islam. Unlike some caustic contenders for the Oval office, Obama advised the nation to “enlist Muslim communities as some of our strongest allies, rather than push them away through suspicion and hate.” My Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (www.alislam.org) has...

War against ISIL ideology


Originally posted in San Jose Mercury News Just miles away from Ground Zero, three Muslim men plotted to leave this country and join ISIL, the so-called “Islamic State.” As a Muslim, news like this is disheartening but it serves as a vivid reminder that radicalization, unfortunately, remains a pressing problem even in the United States. It is time for us to act, but more than just...