TagUmair Ahmed

Letter: Muslims would welcome interfaith dialogue


Originally Published on Thenorthwestern.com   I read with interest Mr. Lyle Conrad’s letter on December 3, in which he sought interfaith dialogue with local area Muslims. At the same time he attributed something to Islam which I, as a Muslim, wanted to clarify. Muslims consider Jesus to be a prophet like Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and Muhammad and thus he is a highly revered, sacred and...

Freedom of speech comes with responsibility


Originally Published in The Oshkosh Northwestern. Freedom of speech is understood to be a fundamental right and mutual respect of religious beliefs and figures is also a trait of civilized societies. One should not come at the expense of the other. A French newspaper’s crass attempt to highlight their freedom of speech seriously undermines interfaith relations. While violent protests in Islamic...

Supporting our Sikh neighbors


Originally Published in The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and The Oshkosh Northwestern I read with much sadness the account of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin shooting in Oak Creek. It is particularly distressing when a sacred place of worship becomes the site of merciless killings. As an Ahmadi Muslim, the Sikh Temple shooting brings back haunting memories of the May 2010 barbaric attacks on Ahmadiyya...