Originally published on Fredericksburg.com Anthem protests lead to more tension A national anthem for one’s country should give pride to that person, as it is a solemn symbol of the country’s history and culture. I was not born in America, but my religion Islam teaches me to be a loyal, respectful and productive member of society in whichever country I live in. The act of kneeling during the...
Leave the Locker Room, Trump
Originally Published in The Michigan Daily Mike Pence swings through Michigan College Republicans officially endorse Trump-Pence ticket Students react to second presidential debate If you haven’t heard, Donald Trump is in a lot of hot water. In a video recording from 2005 released on Friday by The Washington Post, Mr. Trump is recorded making crude and sexist remarks regarding women. Last night...
Muslims ‘condemn all violence’
Originally published in The New Haven Register As we all know, the media is certainly capable of creating a societal misconception. Since 9/11, media across the globe has shown Islam as a radical religion and a global threat. Islam has been the focus of much scrutiny. After this attack, the term “Islamophobia” arose and exaggerated fear, hatred and hostility towards Islam and its followers...
Oshkosh Mosque Sponsors Blood Drive Friday
Originally Published in The Northwestern Fifteen years. In a few days, it will be the 15-year anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, a painful day which has become the catalyst of so much that has transpired since then. Every day, every terrorist act, every shred of vile rhetoric, brings increased scrutiny to the faith of Islam and its teachings.As a Muslim living in the United States, I have become...
Living With Islamphobia
Originally published in The Baltimore Sun By Adil Khan By the grace of God, I have overcome the worst type of adversity — the type of adversity that is directed at the DNA of one’s very being. You see, to me my faith, Islam, is my everything, comprising the nooks and crannies, the deep valleys and the tall summits, the oceans of my being, my universe. Amazingly, all of these insults and...
The Narrow-Mindedness of Islamophobes
Originally published in The Mooresville Tribune Although most Muslims believe that defensive wars are permissible in Islam, this man realized that the only way to really defend Islam in this day and age is simply through dialogue and that this was the “Jihad of the age.” This man’s name is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian and he was recognized as the Messiah by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Many...
Muslims are not fighting America
Originally published in The Roanoke Times “Make America Great Again!” a quote used by the GOP front runner Donald Trump repeatedly where he is aiming supposedly to make America great but so far all we have heard from the candidate is to ban Muslims or remove Muslims from America. I would like to let Trump know that it is not the Muslims that America is at war with but it’s this radical extremist...
Local Muslims support Philadelphia police
Originally posted on the Daily Times The attack on the Philadelphia police officer by a so-called Muslim was a heinous act in the name of Islam. The perpetrator was clearly mentally disturbed with a warped view of Islam. Prophet Muhammad has clearly said “love of one’s country of residence is part of faith.” The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community fully supports our Philadelphia police and thanks you for...
The Dangerous Side of the Free Speech Debate
Originally published in the Huffington Post With last week’s release of Charlie Hebdo’s newest edition, marking the one-year anniversary of the infamous terrorist attack on its offices that killed 12 people, once again the debate about free speech has been ignited. In its recent publication, the editors at the magazine decided to take aim at all religion and blame God for terrorism...
Why Islam is Not the Problem
Originally published in the Hufington Post You’re seven times more likely to be shot by a right wing extremist in the United States than you are to be shot by a Muslim extremist. But I guess facts don’t stop many Americans from being deathly afraid of all Muslims. I know it’s crazy to think that just because a few radical extremists do something horrifying, the faith of Islam is...