Coming to grips with evil’s face


Originally Published in the New York Daily News


The Boston bombings gave me a double whammy. As an American, I am deeply saddened by the four senseless deaths and the scores of wounded. My heart goes out to the families of these victims. As a Muslim, I am disturbed by the headlines stating that Islam might had a “secondary” role in these attacks. Violence and evil have no religion. Islam has taught to me to love my fellow human beings, be loyal to my country, look out for the poor and help the needy. Let’s not blame Islam because of someone who adhered to it by name — not by practice.

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Haris Raja

Haris Raja received his MBA from University of Maryland College Park, and now works as Senior System Engineer at Cisco Systems. He serves as National Director for Walk for Humanity USA, an initiative of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association to raise awareness for and combat hunger in America.

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