As Muslim, I condemn Paris attack


Originally published in Providence Journal

We have just witnessed a horrific and inexcusable act of terror take place in Paris. Having close friends and family living in Paris, I am shaken to the core by the heinous attack by gunmen at the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. As a Muslim, I unequivocally condemn this barbaric act that has nothing to do with the Islam I know and love.

These terrorists murdered journalists and cartoonists who did nothing more than put their pen to paper. These cartoons and publications may indeed have offended many Muslims around the world. However, this does not justify any act of violence or hate as retaliation.

All Muslims should follow the example of the Holy Prophet Muhammad who, without fail, responded to mockery and opposition with prayer, patience and kindness. Satire and criticism should then be countered with arguments and reasoning, not violence and barbarity.

I extend my heartfelt prayers to the victims of this injustice.

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Achraf Issam

Achraf Issam was born in Marrakech, Morocco. He has a BS in Quantitative Economics, and plans to pursue a PhD in Development Economics. He loves to play and watch almost any sports with a preference for football (soccer) and basketball.

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