Movement fights radical recruitment


Originally posted in Portland Tribune

Nearly 200 members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association recently traveled to London in a historic trip to meet with the Khalifa of Islam. Unlike many news stories today depicting radicalized youth traveling abroad, the story of these young men was far different.

They met with the head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mizra Masroor Ahmad. Ahmad has been a vocal leader in condemning ISIS and those who commit acts of terror in the name of Islam. In his keynote address last year at The National Peace Symposium, he continually stressed the need for peace and justice in order to stop groups like ISIS from recruiting and radicalizing Muslim youth.

I joined these 200 to hear the Khalifa talk about how Muslim Youth, living in the United States, must promote peace and justice for people of all religions. In accordance with this, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, USA has been holding events in university campuses across the nation under its Stop the CrISIS campaign in an effort to directly tackle the issue of the radicalization of Muslim youth in western nations.

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Waqas Hussain

A resident of Portland , Oregon, Waqas Hussain works for a software company and has a degree in Marketing. He also serves as Associate Director of Media Relations for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association.

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