Remembering 9/11 by doing acts of community service


Originally published in The Eagle

Fourteen years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America, the wounds still run deep among the citizens of this country. Today, millions will mourn the 2,977 individuals who died and the many families affected.

If we want to remember the people hurt by these barbaric acts, it is important we as a people take part in charitable acts to serve as tribute to all the victims, survivors and first responders. This September also marks the fifth annual Muslims for Life campaign launched by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The Muslims for Life campaign has partnered with many different organization, secular and religious, in order to turn this day of grief into one of blessings.

Over the past few years, this campaign has collected nearly 40,000 bags of blood, potentially saving 120,000 lives, but also has helped spread the ideals of true peace and compassion in order to help save so many lives.

No matter what background or religion you come from, it is vital we serve our country, our home, in the best way we can and remember those who lost everything the day the towers fell.

About the author

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Salman Munir

Salman Munir is from Houston, TX and is currently a 3rd year student at Texas A&M University studying Biology. He serves as assistant secretary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association and is also president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association at Texas A&M.

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