ISIS killings violate Islam


Originally posted on Philly

As a Muslim American, I am saddened to hear the news of the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris. ISIS has claimed responsibility. In addition to the loss of innocent lives, I am saddened that members of ISIS attribute their act to Islam. They must deeply reflect on the Quran: “Whosoever killed a person . . . it shall be as if he had killed all mankind.”

Members of ISIS may claim to be Muslims, but their actions are anything but Islamic. By continually following a perverse ideology of terrorism and ignoring the Quranic instruction, “Create not disorder in the earth,” they have demonstrated that they are not true Muslims.

I strongly condemn any act of violence committed in the name of religion. My heartfelt condolences go to those who lost loved ones in these heinous acts of violence.

As French President Francois Hollande said, “These attacks were war.” However, we must realize that this war is not against Islam, but against all those who pervert its peaceful teaching. I urge Muslims and non-Muslims to stay united.

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Nasir Ahmad

Clinical Professor of Medicine at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School - Rutgers University, and specialist in Infectious Diseases, Nasir is the recipient of the prestigious Presidential Volunteer Service Award (Gold) in 2009. He writes on various topics including Islam in America, patriotism, religious freedom, etc and has published extensively both locally and nationally.

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