Prophet Would Counsel Patience


As an American Muslim, I fully condemn the actions of the extremists who opened fire at the “Draw Muhammad” cartoon event hosted by an anti-Muslim hate group. Although Prophet Muhammad holds a special place in the hearts of all Muslims, it goes against the core of Prophet Muhammad’s teachings to respond with violence.

When Prophet Muhammad himself was humiliated, he never responded with violence. Rather, he taught all Muslims to have patience. In his farewell sermon, Prophet Muhammad said, “even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings equal to one another. No one has any right, any claim to superiority over one another. You are as brothers.” As an American Muslim, I condemn the violence of so called extremists who attempted to kill other humans — other brothers of humanity.

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Osaama Saifi

Osaama Saifi Received his BA from UC Berkeley in economics and rhetoric in 2012, with honors. He has led various interfaith events and believes the pen should be means of bridging differences. Osaama will be attending law school in the fall.

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