AuthorBadar Malik

Badar Malik is currently serving as the Vice Chairman of Muslim Writers Guild of America. A freshman in college, Badar will go on to study Athletic Training at the Ohio State University along with Pre-Medicine. He plans on attending Medical school to receive his MD. Badar has published in several leading Ohio newspapers. Find him on Twitter or reach him at [email protected]

Victim was raising money for dental care for refugees

Originally published in The Boston Globe MY HEART sank as I received dreadful news that three innocent Muslim students had been murdered by Craig Hicks, a vocal anti-theist. Being a Muslim, I suddenly began to question my safety from such a hate crime. Although the motive of the culprit is still unknown, it goes without saying that there is a rise in anti-Islam rhetoric in the US. For example...

Muslim Americans are making a positive impact

Originally published in Cincinnati Enquirer Last year, the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy left Americans in great distress as New York City, one of the world’s largest cities, suffered greatly. This gave me an opportunity to travel to the disaster site and offer my aid to those in need. More importantly, being a Muslim American, I was able to show the true Islam – to serve humanity as a part of our...

Set aside differences in faith

Originally published in Cincinnati Enquirer  This Sunday, Christians worldwide will celebrate Easter. Being an Ahmadi Muslim I will not be celebrating Easter. However, this does not mean that I won’t show my love for Jesus Christ. Islam teaches us to respect Christians and their right to celebrate. In fact, Islam teaches us to join them in the love of Jesus Christ. While differences exist, what...

Embracing the spirit of Thanksgiving

Originally Published in   As a Muslim American, I believe that if we set all our differences aside and come together for a good cause, we can make Thanksgiving a true day of thanks.   This weekend I had the opportunity to travel to New York and work with Humanity First to offer my services to those suffering from Hurricane Sandy. It was a life changing moment that not...

NYPD’s surveillance of Muslims should stop

Originally Published in The Columbus Dispatch On Friday, Governor Christie called the  NYPD surveillance of Muslims an “abandonment of the core lesson of 9/11”. I agree. I believe that the NYPD would be better off focusing on making allies within the Muslim community, which is far less costly and far more cost effective, than spending millions in controversial surveillance programs...

Boko Haram terrorist acts condemnable

Originally Published in The Columbus Dispatch Boko Haram, a Nigerian militant group that claims to be Muslim claimed responsibility for several church bombings around the time of Christmas. This is the same extremist group that killed dozens of innocent Christians on the New Years bombings last year. Such inhumane acts cannot be justified in the name of Islam. The Holy Quran states that...

Bin Laden’s actions were anti-Muslim

Originally Published in The Columbus Dispatch Osama bin Laden’s death provided relief to many, especially Americans and Muslim-Americans such as myself. President Barack Obama made it clear that bin Laden was not a Muslim leader, but a mass murderer. The possibility of radicals mimicking bin Laden’s actions still exists, and that is precisely why Americans must embrace those who are dedicated to...