CategoryUnited States

Muslims live by ‘hatred for none’


Originally posted Middle Town Press As Ahmadi Muslim Americans, we extend heartfelt wishes of peace, blessings, and merriment to our compatriots of all faiths amid the New Year. Who are we? We’re your friendly neighborhood Muslims for peace, life, loyalty and love who believe the Promised Messiah has come in the person of his holiness Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. We believe God sent Ahmad, like...

If Donald Trump was a Muslim in Pakistan…


Originally uploaded in Dawn A month ago, an 81-year-old Muslim bookseller in New York was caught with a copy of the Holy Quran. The FBI arrested him promptly, and just two days back, an anti-terrorism court in Washington DC sentenced him to eight years in prison with a hefty fine. Christian leaders across the US are congratulating the government for protecting the soul of Christianity by...

America’s Islamic allies


Originally posted in Tribliv This Muslim-American believes President Obama deserves praise for separating ISIL from Islam. Unlike some caustic contenders for the Oval Office, Obama advised the nation to “enlist Muslim communities as some of our strongest allies, rather than push them away through suspicion and hate.” The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been at the forefront of the ideological...

Muslims: To Stop ISIS and Other Terror Group from Disparaging Islam, We Must Clearly Explain the True Concept of Jihad


Originally published on Patheos The year 2015 can be remembered as the year Daesh (ISIS) dominated the news media in the Western world, from beginning to the end. It began with the merciless attack on the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo that drew worldwide condemnation, enslaving of Yazidi women, burning of a Jordanian pilot and ending with a spectacular attack in France and inspiring mass murder...

Guidance for the righteous


Originally published in the the Montgomery News I am deeply saddened at the horrific shooting that occurred in San Bernardino. It is a tragedy that so many lives were lost, all in the name of Islam. Farook and Malik were said to be deeply religious. I too consider myself deeply religious. Unlike them I follow Islam. I follow Islam where it states clearly in the Quran “that you slay not the soul...

Trump’s attack on ‘We, the people’ can only weaken America


Originally Published in The Roanoke Times As an American Muslim, I am obligated to serve my country. Thus it is an obligation for me to make it known that Donald Trump will not “make America great again,” as he promises. Rather, he will make us weaker than we have ever been. While he likes to quote the great past leaders in this country, it appears he has forgotten that Franklin...

Guidance for the righteous


Originally Published in Montgomery News To the Editor: I am deeply saddened at the horrific shooting that occurred in San Bernardino. It is a tragedy that so many lives were lost, all in the name of Islam. Farook and Malik were said to be deeply religious. I too consider myself deeply religious. Unlike them I follow Islam. I follow Islam where it states clearly in the Quran “that you slay not the...

A growing climate of Islamophobia


Originally published on Hostile climate The recent act of throwing a severed pig’s head at the Al Aqsa Islamic Society mosque in North Philadelphia was clearly an act of Islamophobia, signifying grave disrespect toward Muslims. But it is much more than that. The act also reflects a growing climate in this country of intolerance aimed at practitioners of Islam. It represents an...

APS horror


Originally posted in Dawn  IMAGINE sending your child to school in uniform in the morning, and finding him in a casket in the afternoon. Imagine having your child’s blood-stained clothes brought back to you, the dreams that you had for them shattered. Instead of your child arranging for your burial one day you have to pick up the greatest load in your life — the casket of your child. More than...

Muslims aren’t the enemy


Originally posted on Daily Progress “Make America Great Again” is a quote used by the GOP front runner Donald Trump repeatedly where he is aiming supposedly to make America great, but so far all we have heard from the candidate is to ban Muslims or remove Muslims from America. I would like to let Mr. Trump know that it is not the Muslims that America is at war with but it’s this radical extremist...