Muslims live by ‘hatred for none’


Originally posted Middle Town Press

As Ahmadi Muslim Americans, we extend heartfelt wishes of peace, blessings, and merriment to our compatriots of all faiths amid the New Year.

Who are we? We’re your friendly neighborhood Muslims for peace, life, loyalty and love who believe the Promised Messiah has come in the person of his holiness Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. We believe God sent Ahmad, like Jesus, to end religious wars, condemn bloodshed, and reinstitute morality, justice, and peace, championing Islam’s true teachings. Today we’re led by and united under the real Khalifa of Islam, his holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who illustrates peaceful service to God and humanity.

We’re grateful to live and serve alongside you under God with indivisibility in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

During 2015, we collected enough bags of blood to save hundreds of American lives through our American Red Cross biannual blood drives, hosted and spoke at numerous interfaith gatherings in diverse centers of worship, and held community engagements.

We look forward to another promising year of unifying forces in advancing education and combating radicalization while strengthening our ties of affection, as true Islam teaches.

Let’s keep aflame our togetherness in demonstrating “love for all, hatred for none.”

About the author

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Zahir Muhammad Mannan

Zahir Mannan is the Head Teacher and Administrative Associate at the Early Learning Program, Inc. at Central Connecticut State University, and a previous Associate Research Scientist at Yale University School of Medicine. He leads a weekly Holy Quran study group at Baitul Aman "House of Peace" Mosque in Meriden, CT, where he also teaches an advanced Holy Quran class for Tahir Academy. He has served the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in diverse capacities including national follow-up coordinator for 1-800-WHY-ISLAM, local Youth President, local Interfaith Outreach Director, local Holy Quran Education and Temporary Devotion Director, and local Youth Publication Director.

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