
LETTER Minnesota governor lauded for mosque attack response


Originally Published in Goerie.com Against the heavy curtain of Islamophobia, I applaud Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton for unequivocally speaking out against the recent bombing of a mosque in his home state. Most media outlets somehow felt the need to wrap into quotes his statement that the attack on the house of worship was a “criminal act of terrorism.” A little-known fact is that, according to the...

Minnesota Muslims speak out on martyrdom, murder of Dr. Mehdi Ali


Originally published in Twin Cities Daily Planet On Monday, May 25, Ohio based cardiologist, Dr. Mehdi Ali was assassinated in Pakistan. According to a report in the New York Times: “An American doctor volunteering at a hospital in eastern Pakistan was shot to death on Monday in front of his wife and 3-year-old son in the latest attack on a follower of the minority Ahmadi faith at a time of...

Muslim Youth Group Emphasizes Love and Loyalty


      Originally Published in The Duluth News Tribune and The Star Tribune. At a time characterized by an alleged increase in the radicalization of Muslim youth, I attended a national Muslim youth convention with the theme, “Love and loyalty for one’s homeland.” The national convention — organized by America’s leading Muslim youth organization, MKA USA — sought to educate and cultivate loyalty...