Heartfelt Wounds in Connecticut


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Originally Published in the Newton Patch

Newton-memorial-via-AFPLiving in Connecticut and hearing about this tragic incident, my heart is wounded. As a member of faculty teaching at the college level, I want to let the survivors and other students know that they will grow in a world which still loves. I convey my heartfelt condolences to the parents and families. The teachers are heroes as they tried to protect the children.

I believe in what Islam teaches us that all human life is sacred and honored. The Holy Quran teaches that to take one innocent life is to kill all mankind. I am from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (Chapter located in South Meriden) and the community’s motto is “Love for All, Hatred for None”. As Americans, we mourn with our fellow citizens at the senseless violence and loss of life.

I pray to God Almighty to protect mankind from harm, and to give patience and solace to those suffering from this tragedy.

Zahid Ahmed
Member, Muslim Writers Guild of America

About the author

Zahid Ahmed

Zahid is a professor, currently teaching courses in human biology and cell biology. He serves on the public relations team of the Connecticut chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Expanding religious and secular knowledge is part of his interests that lead him to learn from other professionals.

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By Zahid Ahmed