Kings Struggle For a Noble Cause Lives on For All


Duluth News Tribune Logo

Originally Published in the Duluth News Tribune

the-victors-gym-blog-martin-luther-king-dayWe talked about Martin Luther King Jr. Day at Ordean East Middle School.

Half a century ago, Dr. King devoted his life to one dream. He wanted black people to live equally with white people. In his time, white people were considered superior to blacks, and he wanted to change that.

As an American Muslim, I think this is an example of the true Jihad, which is a continuous struggle for a noble cause. Dr. King kept on going even though people were trying to kill him. He openly told everyone about his dream. This is what Jihad is all about. This is what Islam is all about.

Zarar Hayee


The writer is in the seventh grade at Ordean East Middle School.


About the author

Zarar Hayee

Zarar is a eighth grade student in Ordean East Middle school in Duluth, Minnesota. He loves writing.

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By Zarar Hayee