Islam Nexus with Peace


Originally published in Santa Barbara News-Press


As a Muslim, I am saddened and condemn the terrorism in the Boston Marathon bombing. The worldwide head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness and Khalifa of Islam Mirza Masroor Ahmad, condemned the bombings in a recent sermon. Moreover, His Holiness was saddened that Muslims were the first to be targeted as the culprits of this heinous crime.

In a time when Muslims need the most guidance, His Holiness has been a leader in peace. His Holiness initiated the “Muslim for Peace” campaigns through out the world. His Holiness has said, “Islam is an open religion which teaches mutual respect. And so if you are a true Muslim you should be willing and able to integrate in any part of the world.”

Mirza Masroor Ahmad will be visiting Southern California in early May. His visit will demonstrate Islam nexus with peace and condemnation of any form of terrorism.

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Osaama Saifi

Osaama Saifi Received his BA from UC Berkeley in economics and rhetoric in 2012, with honors. He has led various interfaith events and believes the pen should be means of bridging differences. Osaama will be attending law school in the fall.

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