Remember, this is time to be thankful for blessings


Originally published in The NorthWestern 

As Thanksgiving comes around, many of us will become pre-occupied with food, family, shopping and football – this is Packer nation after all. It would be nice if we were also thankful for all the blessings we enjoy. Thanksgiving should be about tradition and food but it should also include thinking and caring for the less fortunate amongst us.

Near or far, we will find people who need our help – there are the homeless in Oshkosh, trying to survive this winter; the multitude of people left homeless in the Philippines, and the victims of tornadoes in Illinois. I look at the Holy Quran and it reminds me ‘…and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbor that is a kinsman and the neighbor that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer.’ (4:37).We can support organizations such as the Warming Shelter, Red Cross and Humanity First USA who are doing their part. Perhaps, this day we will all be thankful to God and show kindness to our less fortunate brethren. Then it will truly be a Thanksgiving Day.

About the author

Umair Ahmed

A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Umair presently works as a Senior PeopleSoft Analyst at Oracular. He also serves on the national board of MKAUSA.

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By Umair Ahmed