Where are the real Muslims?


Originally published in Montgomery MediaPhiladelphia Inquirer and The Washington Times


Ramadan is a time for prayer and self-reflection for Muslims around the world. However, as I end my second week of Ramadan, looking at the news stories I can’t help but ask, “Where are the real Muslims?”

There is a Muslim who is claiming to be the Caliph of Islam, but his followers will kill anyone who does not adhere to their ideology and is wreaking havoc throughout Iraq and Syria. So where are the real Muslims?

Real Islam lies with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, a 125-year-old peace-loving community. They too have a leader, but their leader has advocated for peace through letters to the world’s leaders urging them to do their part in promoting peace. This is where I see true Islam. In the remaining weeks of Ramadan, I would hope that these other Muslims look to the example of Prophet Muhammad and try to become real Muslims.

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Nameer Ahmad Bhatti

Nameer Bhatti is currently serving as Finance secretary for MKA for the Philadelphia chapter. Nameer graduated with honors from Villanova University with a degree in Accountancy and Finance. He is currently employed as an accountant and is a licensed CPA in the state of Pennsylvania. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family, reading, and writing in the defense of Islam in order to spread its true teachings.

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