Qadri’ trial a joke


Originally published in The Nation 

Mumtaz Qadri’s hearing is IHC is an abomination to our country and our laws. We have a self-confessed killer, who has been turned into a hero by some religious parties. The government has failed to appoint a prosecutor and claims to have lost his case files, which shows its lack of seriousness in upholding law. Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui, of IHC expressed his support for people who attacked the blasphemers, in reference to Chalie Hebdo attacker. Now the accused is also being defended by former Chief Justice of LHC, while a large number of lawyers create a circus at every hearing. Religious parties and the government claim that blasphemy law is fair, because the judiciary and government will protect those who are wrongly accused. What hope can a person belonging to a minority community, such as Christians, Hindus and Ahmadi’s has in light of such behaviour, by the judiciary and the government?

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Yasir Mirza

Yasir Mirza moved to Toronto, Canada from Karachi, Pakistan as a teenager where he finished his high school and got a Bachelor’s from University of Toronto. He now calls calls Austin, TX home, working for Nvidia as an Electrical Engineer on graphics and mobile chips. He currently serves as Director of Islamic Education of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association.

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