The path back to greatness


Originally posted on New York Daily News

As an American Muslim, I agree with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump that “we are at war.”

However, he must realize that we are at war not with Islam, but with inhumane ideologies that neither The Koran nor Prophet Muhammad’s life support.

I also agree with Trump that extremism exists within some parts of the Muslim world. However, he must understand that violent acts of a small minority do not in any way represent the larger peaceful Muslim population.

If Trump is sincere in his promise to “make America great again,” then he must stop making statements that create a divide between Americans based on race and religion.

It is Americans staying united, irrespective of race and religion, that will make America great again.

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Nasir Ahmad

Clinical Professor of Medicine at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School - Rutgers University, and specialist in Infectious Diseases, Nasir is the recipient of the prestigious Presidential Volunteer Service Award (Gold) in 2009. He writes on various topics including Islam in America, patriotism, religious freedom, etc and has published extensively both locally and nationally.

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