
Islam Advocates Peace


Originally Published on The Miami Herald Prior to 1954, many schools were segregated because of fear and a lack of understanding. Nearly 60 years after the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision we find ourselves in a similar situation with the parents in the Volusia County School District who are pushing to remove chapters on Islam from a history book because, as they see it, Islam...

A Muslim Comic Book Hero


Originally Published in The New York Times As a Muslim American and an avid comic book guy, I applaud Marvel for creating a Muslim heroine, code name Ms. Marvel. In a post-9/11 world, dealing with problems concerning Islamic and American identity is still real. Ms. Marvel shows that the two are not mutually exclusive. Her actions are not real, yet are a strong part of my reality. As a proud...

A Muslim Comic Book Hero


Originally published in New York Times As a Muslim American and an avid comic book guy, I applaud Marvel for creating a Muslim heroine, code name Ms. Marvel. In a post-9/11 world, dealing with problems concerning Islamic and American identity is still real. Ms. Marvel shows that the two are not mutually exclusive. Her actions are not real, yet are a strong part of my reality. As a proud Muslim...

A Book Worth Reading – Ramadan Also Means a Time to Ponder the Qur’an


Originally published in Santa Barbara Independent   While Ramadan may be known as the month Muslims restrict their caloric consumption, Ramadan is also the month the Qur’an came into being. Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad began to receive revelations of the Qur’an in the lunar month of Ramadan. Muslims further believe the angel Gabriel repeated the portions of the Qur’an revealed up to...