Egyptian church attack goes against the Quran


Originally Published in The Santa Clarita Valley Signal


The insane and cold-blooded attack murdering 21 innocent Christians at a church in Alexandria, Egypt is a horrific beginning to 2011. As an American Muslim, this attack is completely nonsensical, in addition to being utterly disgusting and sickening. The Quran: specifically sanctions Muslims to protect churches, not to blow them up (22:40-41). The Quran tells Muslims that pious Christians are amongst the inmates of paradise (2:63, 5:70).

It is heartbreaking that the Egyptian St. Catherine Monastery houses a facsimile of the prophet Muhammad’s letter mandating full protection for Christians until the end of time, and now so-called Muslims are attacking Egyptian churches.

As a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I wholly condemn this heinous attack. My condolences are with the victims’ families, and my sincere prayers are with the souls of the departed.

About the author

Saad Karamat

Saad Karamat is a recent graduate of University of California, Berkeley, where he studied global poverty and public health. He is an aspiring physician and humanitarian.

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By Saad Karamat