Originally Published in The Finger Lakes Times

Last month, we ended a discussion about the philosophy of divine punishment with reference to Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) victory over Pharaoh. The “splitting of the sea” was referenced and deserved its own discussion, to which we now turn.
Before analyzing the specific events surrounding the “splitting of the sea,” the reader must understand that Islam argues that divine punishment occurs within the confines of natural laws. Islam completely rejects any interpretation which requires one to abandon belief in established scientific laws. If God has created everything, why must He break the natural laws He created to create a natural disaster? Indeed, 750 Quranic verses reference scientific principles precisely to demonstrate harmony between God’s Word and Act.
As to specifics, the Qur’an does not support the idea that the Red Sea split into two enormous walls of water through which Moses crossed. Instead, the Quran (44:25) states that Moses took advantage of the changing of tides – crossing at ebb tide, when the water recedes so much that one can cross by foot. Here, the Quran employs the word rahwan, which means “calm” as well as “an intervening space” – an apt description of the receding tide. According to the Quran, God told Prophet Moses to cross during the time of low tide, “Then We revealed to Moses, saying, ‘Strike the sea with thy rod.’ Thereupon it parted, and every part looked like a huge sand-hill” (26:64). Pharaoh, following at some distance with chariots and heavy armaments, arrived at the Red Sea after Moses had already crossed and fell victim to the rising tide (26:65-67). In fact, the scientific periodical PLoS ONE recently published an article on the plausibility of this event, particularly examining a phenomenon known as “wind setdown.” In addition, not only is the account scientifically tenable, but the French revolutionary Napoleon survived a similar experience during his life.
Pharaoh’s end, however, was designed to serve as a lesson for all time. Thus, the Quran declares that, despite the flood, Pharaoh’s body will be preserved, “So this day We will save thee in thy body alone that thou mayest be a Sign to those who come after thee. And surely, many of mankind are heedless of Our Signs” (10:93). This declaration is unique to the Quran. It is also remarkable that this declaration was recorded 1,400 years ago amongst the Arabs – a people who only knew that Pharaoh had perished and had no knowledge of the process of mummification. In the late 1800s, Egyptologists discovered Pharaoh’s body, confirming what the Quran had prophesied more than 1,000 years prior.
But aside from an argument in support of the Qur’an’s authenticity, what lesson does this event serve and what relation does it have to our explanation of the phenomenon of divine punishment? The Quran (10:91-92) records that as the water engulfed him, Pharaoh said he wished to be saved because he now submits to the God of Moses. But Pharaoh’s chance had passed, and his soul could not be redeemed. His body, however, would be saved as a reminder for later generations to never obstruct and persecute a prophet and his people.
Having explained Islam’s view of the “splitting of the sea,” one may be mislead into thinking that one must always interpret events within the confines of prevailing scientific knowledge. This is not the case. Islam argues that God does not need to break a law in order to act. When an event such as the “splitting of the sea” occurs, it can rightly be described as a miracle – i.e. an unveiling of a hitherto unknown law. Regarding this discussion, we continue next month.
So We revealed to Musa, “Strike the sea with your staff.” And it split in two, each part like a towering cliff. And We brought the others right up to it. We rescued Musa and all those who were with him. Then We drowned the rest. There is certainly a Sign in that yet most of them are not believers. Truly your Lord is the Almighty, the Most Merciful. (Qur’an, 26:63-68)
You should give references for your claims
Can you explain the turning of Musa’s (AS) stick into a snake? And the fact that it later ate or attacked the magician’s sticks/snakes which were ropes/illusions.
The laws of the universe apply to Allah’s creation. Not to Allah. Explain the above please. Also explain the Huge fire becoming cool for Ibrahim AS. Please also explain the way Isa AS brought the dead back to life. Please also explain the way how Queen Bilqiss throne was transported to Prophet Sulayman AS in at instant. Thank You.
Obviously the writer is a qadiani not a islamic writer. Appears the writer does not believe in the miracles of god, rather scientific explanations for a 1700 foot deep ocean. Writer probably doesn’t believe in the miracle birth of Hazart Isa PBUH and the miracles of god he performed. He was reborn spiritually again in Mirza Qadiani, and of course he had to be the same miracle worker as his predecessor, so no miracles then and none in 1900. May allah show you the right path towards Islam.
“Islamic Student” your reply is disgustingly ignorant and derogatory. Ahmadi Muslims believe in the immaculate conception of Jesus (peace be upon him). Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who embodied the second advent of the Messiah, at the very period in time when the Christian and Muslim world at large were both expecting him to descend, was accompanied by a universe of miracles. May Allah open your ears, your mind, and your eyes.
So what you are saying is that Moses looked at the tide and said let’s go now before pharaoh catches up. During the time fleeing Egypt how would have Moses know that the tide was going to be low or even knew which way to go once they left Egypt. I AM which is the one and only true God led them out of Egypt with Moses as their leader. God sent a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night and understand that the pillar of fire was so massive there was no way around it and it also helped as a wall so pharaoh and his army couldn’t catch up or even try and the soldiers that did tried burned up instantly. So they finally get to the Red Sea and they think God why have you led us to our death. Geographically the place where they crossed is a mile deep. There is a rise in the Red Sea where they crossed but the is no way except through God that a tide which is made by the moon’s gravitational pull can make a mile deep span of water move to allow man to cross on the land. Also remember that the land was completely dry. How hard would it be to walk or run in wet soil. It’s super hard. So the ground needed to be dry in order for the people to get across safely and quickly. Then as pharaoh’s men attempted to follow the waters came down and killed all who followed. If you look at the Red Sea and you find where that high ground is where they crossed you will see chariot wheels and horse bones lying there. This goes to prove that your science is wrong and my God Yahwaeh I AM is the one and only true God
splitting the sea is about antigravity, its knowledge of god that impossible to reach in our brain, but this is dajjal to work on about, that time he will flying around the world in speed of wind and carries bread and meat along, scientist in CERN studiies about fundamental physic, ..to be detail, scientist now study on antimatter, which will shielded the the mass from gravity, imagination scientist we could live in flying car, delivery item will be easy..they will be no ship anymore in delivey accross continent, the way possible to us to splitting the sea.. if all scientist studies 200 years more, i think spitting the sea is not impossible, like when our prophet Muhammad travel from makkah to masjidil aqsa and return back in one night.. that time it is impossible.. but today we can travel in an hour..dajjal is only stole the idea from scientist one day after the world chaos with world war 3 and claim he is god. hopefully all of us dont fall in his trick.
Do you understand what you are writing against the book and challenging the word or Allah. my first question are u a believer. And if so you know quran so scientifically then u will also know the punishment of misguiding. If not then please read and research.