No Excuse For Deaths Over Quran


Originally Published in The Chicago Sun Times

The incident of five American soldiers burning the holy Quran in Afghanistan was deplorable, but still does not justify killing of U.S. soldiers. [“Official: Mistakes led to Afghan Quran burnings, “Saturday]).

As a Muslim-American who emigrated from that region, I understand why the Afghans are angry and frustrated with our government. But they must realize that burning of the Quran was a mistake, while their heinous crimes to kill U.S. soldiers were a deliberate choice.

The Quran teaches us forgiveness, forbearance and humility. Sadly, these attributes were more evident in President Obama’s actions as compared to the Afghans. There is a way for my Muslim Afghan brothers to be good again: Accept the president’s apology.

About the author

Kamran Khan

Born in Karachi, Pakistan and raised in Chicago, USA, Kamran is one of the newest members of the Muslim Writers Guild of America. Kamran provides business level strategies working at a derivatives trading firm. Kamran has published in leading English and Spanish newspapers across the United States

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By Kamran Khan