Religious Coercion


Originally Published in The Chicago Sun Times

Destroy all churches in the Arabian Peninsula – Saudi Grand Mufti

The Saudi Arabian grand mufti’s desire to eradicate all churches in the Arabian Peninsula indicates religious coercion — an act the Holy Quran wholly rejects [“Saudi grand mufti calls for ‘destruction of all churches in region’ ”].

The Quran promotes universal religious freedom, even commanding to protect the “churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of God is oft commemorated” (22:41). Christians, Jews, pagans all lived in Muslim lands during Prophet Muhammad’s time and for centuries after.

No legitimate Islamic authority supports the mufti’s belief that the Prophet Muhammad removed pagans, Christians, Magians and atheists from the Arabian Peninsula. The grand mufti should instead extend an invitation to Christians into the Muslim land.

About the author

Kamran Khan

Born in Karachi, Pakistan and raised in Chicago, USA, Kamran is one of the newest members of the Muslim Writers Guild of America. Kamran provides business level strategies working at a derivatives trading firm. Kamran has published in leading English and Spanish newspapers across the United States

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By Kamran Khan