Only with justice


Originally published in the Northwest Herald


The democratic process is an amazing process, one that is able to promote its first African American president. As I congratulate President Barack Obama on his re-election and wish him success, I also encourage him to keep justice in mind while in office, both here and abroad. This is not a liberty all nations afford their citizens.

In Pakistan, for example, the government actively and unjustly persecutes the minority Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – only for their faith. As Americans, we should be thankful that we don’t have to be concerned for our lives simply because of our faith, or lack thereof.

As President Obama begins his second term, I remind him to keep justice in mind – because only with justice can peace prevail.


About the author

Erik Chuchna

Erik Cuchna is currently pursuing his undergrad in criminal justice at Columbia College. He has been published in local and state publications. He is a human rights activist speaking out about religious freedom both domestically and internationally.

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By Erik Chuchna