Boston and abroad


Originally Published in the  Pittsburgh Post Gazette


My heart goes out to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. It is outrageous that in our country today that even the wholesome act of running has become unsafe.

I can empathize because my peace-loving religious group, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, lives under the constant threat of extremist violence in Pakistan. In fact, on May 28, 2010, a terror group killed 86 of my community’s members and injured several hundred more — all during prayer service. Sadly, the number of public attacks has only increased.

So as we mourn our dead and tend to our wounded in Boston, let us all come together to speak out against civilian violence wherever it happens.


About the author

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Sohail Husain

Dr. Sohail Husain serves as President of the Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists USA. He has also served in various leadership positions within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Assoication and the local community. At his day job, he serves as an Associate Professor of Pediatric Gastroenterology at the University of Pittsburgh. His research focuses on investigating the molecular basis of pancreatitis, which is a painful, inflammatory disease of the pancreas. Dr. Husain considers the practice of writing as both a crucial professional engagement, as well as a powerful means of personal expression.

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