Interfaith dialogue


Originally published in Northwest Herald


“It is the duty of all believers, to whichever religion they belong, to proclaim that we can never be happy pitted one against the other, the future of humanity will never be able to be secured by terrorism and by the logic of war.” Pope John Paul II made this powerful statement back in 2003.

Today, I am reminded of this same sentiment as I hear Pope Francis reach out to people of all faiths as well as nonbelievers and urge peace, respect and humanity.

“We must do much for the good of the poorest, the weak, and those who are suffering, to favor justice, promote reconciliation and build peace.”

As a former Catholic, I have a renewed excitement for the church as Pope Francis looks to build bridges of interfaith dialogue and respect – because together we can promote peace and harmony worldwide.

About the author

Erik Cuchna
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