Stop Ripping Pages and Start Reading


Originally Published on The Orlando Sentinel

school-books-1 Regarding the article “Lake man’s effort against textbook with ‘Muslim civilizations’ chapter raises security concerns,”, Nov. 6:

The hue and cry of the conservatives on this issue is rife with contradictions. The lack of awareness about Islam has led to unnecessary fears and fuels skepticism.

Any attempts to curb this trend are worth supporting. However, some are ready to rip off efforts to that effect.

Bigotry thrives on ignorance and perpetuates fears. There is a dire need to avoid the hypocritical trap that lets prejudice against Islam cloud any sound judgment.

Any attempts to mess with textbook curriculum must be thwarted. History must not be altered, and Islam’s due place in the chronology of religions must not be overlooked.

Ripping out pages of textbooks is ludicrous.

On the contrary, the lack of awareness about Islam mandates the need for more information about it.

Muslims constitute an integral component of American society and any attempts to curb learning about their heritage are illogical. It is time to stop ripping and start readin

About the author

Khalid Minhas

An Interventional Cardiologist by profession, Khalid Minhas is currently serving as Public Affairs and Faith Outreach Director for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s Miami chapter.

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By Khalid Minhas