Giving thanks leads to giving help


Originally published in Duluth News Tribune

Thanksgiving is a time when we give thanks to God and look to be more grateful for all the things we commonly take for granted. This also is an opportunity to reflect that there are many people in this world who are not as fortunate. For example, millions of people in the world go hungry every day, and every year

1.5 million people die from hunger.

Seeing these people who are less fortunate makes me feel more grateful for everything I have and also makes me feel the need to do something.

As a member of MKA USA, the leading American Muslim youth association, I helped raise more than $100,000 for charitable organizations like Humanity First and WhyHunger to combat hunger. In the Quran, I have come across many commandments to be thankful for what we have and to help those in need.

As an American, I celebrated Thanksgiving Day on Nov. 28, but as an American Muslim, I feel every day is a day of giving thanks for me.


About the author

Zarar Hayee

Zarar is a eighth grade student in Ordean East Middle school in Duluth, Minnesota. He loves writing.

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By Zarar Hayee