Black history event


Originally published in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


February is Black History Month. This month provides us an opportunity to recognize the contribution of black Americans to American history. We should appreciate their role in making America what it is today. As a Muslim imam, I reflect on Prophet Muhammad’s teaching, “One who is not thankful to his fellow human being is not thankful to God at all.”

We should also reflect and learn lessons from the grave injustices our nation has committed against black Americans. Islam teaches us to treat everyone with justice and equality, regardless of their race and backgrounds.

Prophet Muhammad remarked in his farewell address, “All mankind is from Adam and Eve … a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white, except by piety and good actions.”

We will be hosting a Black History Month event on Feb. 22 with the special exhibit topic of “African American Journey to Islam.” As the imam of Ahmadiyya Al-Nur Mosque, I invite the Greater Pittsburgh area community to join us in this celebration and reflection.

About the author

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Adnan Ahmed

Adnan Ahmed a graduate of the Ahmadiyya Institute of Islamic Studies of Toronto. He is currently serving as Imam of Ahmad Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Pittsburgh.

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