Ramp up the charity, reflection for Ramadan


Originally published in The Eagle


Ramadan has now reached its final few days, which are considered the most blessed days in the most blessed month for Muslims.

While all of Ramadan is a time for reflection, it is especially important to remember the less fortunate in these last few days. The prophet Muhammad stated, “He is not a believer, who eats his fill while his neighbors goes hungry.”

These long days of fasting help promote empathy for those who are less fortunate and encourage us to be more charitable. Islam further stresses that those who fast must abstain from harsh language, arguments, and all other sins to focus on spiritual development.

In addition to the multiple spiritual benefits, multiple research studies have shown that fasting in Ramadan can improve cardiovascular disease risk factors so it promotes health advantages as well.

I hope that we can all ramp up the charity, self-discipline, and reflection on our moral states in these last few days of Ramadan.

Walid Khan

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Walid Khan
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By Walid Khan