Muslim campaign begins


Originally published in the Daily Reflector


“Whosoever killed a person… it shall be as if he killed all mankind and whosoever gave life to one, it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind” (5:33).

In the spirit of this verse, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is beginning its 4th annual Muslims for Life Campaign. All across the nation and in several universities in North Carolina, local Ahmadiyya mosques are holding blood drives in memory of the victims of 9/11. During the last three years, this effort has raised over 33,000 pints of blood.

Especially in light of the violence that has surged in the Middle East under militant groups such as ISIS, there is no more important time to show the true, peaceful teachings of Islam. The blood drives represent the fundamental principle laid by the Prophet Muhammad: “…God has made the blood, property and honor of every human being sacred.” Please visit to see how you can get involved.

About the author

Rizwan Dard
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By Rizwan Dard