Mourning the loss


Originally posted in Advisor and Source Newspaper

And so the carnage continues. A Bengali blogger, Oyasiqur Rhaman, was hacked to death on Monday morning by three assailants after posting satirical comments against extremist Muslims. These so called “Muslims” should be punished by the full extent of the law, and those that have been promoting and influencing people to commit such hateful acts should also be prosecuted.

The fourth successor of the Prophet Muhammad, Ali ibn Abi Talib, once stated, “Know that people are of two types. Either they are your brothers in faith, or your equals in humanity.” To murder a fellow human being simply because he or she insults you, whether they be Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu or an atheist, is simply barbaric.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association of Metro Detroit mourns the loss of our fellow human being and grieves with all Bengalis.

About the author

Mahir Osman

Mahir Osman lives in the suburbs of Detroit Michigan and is well known as a community leader and advocate within the region. Serving as the Public Affairs Secretary for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Metro Detroit, Osman has built relationships with local Mayors, Council Members, State Representatives, and Congressional Representatives. For the past 15 years, Osman has independently studied Theology and Comparative Religions, primarily early Christianity and the New Testament, to better understand why individuals believe what they believe. And therefore, focuses on writing pieces, both religious and political, that would not hold any biases and focus primarily on facts, rational, and justice.

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By Mahir Osman