Local Muslims Thank Courtney For State Of The Union Invitation


Originally Published in Harford Courant 

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Connecticut wholeheartedly thanks God and the honorable U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney for graciously inviting Dr. Mohammed Qureshi, our statewide president, as his guest at for President Obama‘s 2016 State of the Union address. We are honored to join the congressman representing patriotic Muslims for peace at President Obama‘s final State of the Union speech.

In his December Oval Office address, President Obama called on Muslim leaders to speak out against violent interpretations of Islam. As is a hallmark of one of the oldest and largest Islamic organizations in the U.S., our Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA swiftly responded. We launched a non-sectarian campaign called True Islam. We have already received thousands of endorsements of the 11-point drive based on the Holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad to actively combat radicalization and terrorism in all guises while strengthening America’s national security against extremism.


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Zahir Muhammad Mannan

Zahir Mannan is the Head Teacher and Administrative Associate at the Early Learning Program, Inc. at Central Connecticut State University, and a previous Associate Research Scientist at Yale University School of Medicine. He leads a weekly Holy Quran study group at Baitul Aman "House of Peace" Mosque in Meriden, CT, where he also teaches an advanced Holy Quran class for Tahir Academy. He has served the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in diverse capacities including national follow-up coordinator for 1-800-WHY-ISLAM, local Youth President, local Interfaith Outreach Director, local Holy Quran Education and Temporary Devotion Director, and local Youth Publication Director.

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