TagTrue Islam

Distorted Ideology


Originally Published in The Times Tribune Another deadly terror attack has occurred, this one in Barcelona, Spain, claiming 13 lives. As an Ahmadi Muslim I condemn this attack and stand in solidarity with the people of Spain. The Quran unequivocally states that “the killing of one soul is equal to killing all of mankind” and these acts are anything but Islamic. The danger is that Muslims and...

Murders not a Reflection of Portland


Originally Published in OnFaith on May 29th, 2017      The week following September 11th was a sad and tense time for us at the Portland Rizwan Mosque. Not only had we experienced the same shock and horror from the attacks as any other American, but we also had the fear of retaliatory attacks that might occur at our mosque or against community members. The initial response wasn’t nearly as bad as...

Response to the London Attack


Originally Published on Patheos.com (03/29/2017) by Adil Khan I was in London four days before the attack in front of Parliament on the 22nd in which 3 people were killed and 40 others injured. I was visiting both for a medical school interview, and—more importantly for me—a personal meeting with my Beloved Spiritual Leader, His Holiness the Khalifa of Islam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. He is a...

An Islamic Definition of Neighbor


Originally Published in OnFaith  Growing up as a Brown Muslim in Central PA in the early 90s, I was so rare that I thought I was white like everyone else. But 9/11 made sure I knew I wasn’t. While I grieved like any other American, many Americans didn’t see me as the once chubby jokester any longer. Our neighbors, a father (a proud Republican and former Marine), mother, and two adorable young...

Trump should learn from Islam


Originally Published in The Michigan Daily  January 31st, 2017 Shortly after the inaugural address, the Obamas and the Trumps descended the steps of the Capitol building in a beautiful display of peaceful transitioning. Chills came over me as I remembered descending those very steps in the summer of 2012 as a part of another display of peace. I walked down the steps of the Capitol building in the...

I am a Muslim Refugee. And America is my Home.


Originally Published in The Huffington Post  Like many other Americans, I am struck with disbelief over the new executive order by President Trump restricting Muslim refugees. I have a personal reason to be outraged. I am a Muslim refugee myself. I was born in Pakistan and raised by devout Muslim parents. In 1974 and 1984, through a constitutional amendment and presidential ordinance...

Trump’s Immigration Ban Betrays the Ideals of My Nation


Originally Published in the Australian Broadcasting Corportation by Tayyib Rashid In 1987, 30 years ago, I emigrated to the United States from Pakistan, the land of my birth. A short time later, I became a naturalized citizen. In January 1997, almost 20 years ago to the day, I left for boot camp. I spent the next twelve weeks fully immersed in the training to become a United States Marine. Known...

The Silver Lining of Donald Trump’s Refugee Ban


Originally Published in Time I’m an immigrant, an American Muslim and I have family overseas. A Muslim ban would materially impact me — but I can’t help but thank President Trump. I thank him, but not because I think the ban is a necessary — it’s not. Our immigration and refugee process is already one of the most thorough on Earth. Since 9/11, refugees have committed a statistically insignificant...

Local Muslims Thank Courtney For State Of The Union Invitation


Originally Published in Harford Courant  The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Connecticut wholeheartedly thanks God and the honorable U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney for graciously inviting Dr. Mohammed Qureshi, our statewide president, as his guest at for President Obama‘s 2016 State of the Union address. We are honored to join the congressman representing patriotic Muslims for peace at...