Letter: Why You Should Meet a Muslim This weekend


Originally Published on the  “azcentral” on March 9th 2017:

On Saturday, March 11, hundreds of Muslims around the U.S. will go out for National Meet a Muslim Day.

This is a consorted effort by Muslims in the U.S. to end the misconceptions of Islam in the U.S. and around the world. According to Pew Research, 62 percent of Americans do not know a Muslim.

In this age of mass misinformation from anti-Islam sites such as Answering-Islam.org, TheReligionOfPeace.com, Jihadwatch.org and others, it is difficult to get a good understanding from a basic Google search, especially with sites like these.

Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. It is important for people living in the U.S. to understand just how influential a religion it is, why almost a quarter of people follow it and what American Muslims are truly like.

If you want to #MeetAMuslim near you, visit www.meetamuslim.us. To understand what Islam is truly about visit www.TrueIslam.com and to learn about the Prophet Muhammad visit www.MuhammadFactCheck.org.

We hope to meet you and have you stand with us as a #MuslimAlly! In Arizona, there will be Muslims in Phoenix and myself at the University of Arizona Festival of books in Tucson. We look forward to meeting you!

— Aamir Quraishy, Tucson

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Muslim Writers Guild of America

The premier writers guild in the English language dedicated to defending the honor of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

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