Islam should be seen in its true light: Letter to the Editor


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The 69th annual convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA will take place this coming weekend in Harrisburg, Pa.

The purpose of this convention, as outlined by the Founder of the Community, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, is for members to gather from all across the country to build bonds of brotherhood and increase their spirituality and knowledge by praying together and listening to presentations.

With Cleveland being among one of the 70 chapters and auxiliaries, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) USA is actively engaged in a variety of humanitarian and public outreach campaigns. For example, the Muslims for Life campaign has led to donations of more than 40,000 bags of blood since 9/11. Additionally, our local mosque in Bedford has hosted a Coffee, Cake and True Islam initiative throughout this year during weekly sessions, where our fellow American brothers and sisters have come to visit and ask questions about Islam.

It is my hope and prayer that more people will come to see Islam in its true light – “Love for All, Hatred for None” as is the AMC’s slogan–and not that of terrorists, who cast Islam in the utmost disgraceful manner.

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Samar Ahmad

Samar Ahmad is currently a Pre-Med student at The Ohio State University.

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