U.S. should cut support of those who attack Yemen


Originally Published in Canton Repository on January 6th, 2018

Imagine your local hospital has been destroyed, your father and sister killed, and your home is in rubble. Would you not hate the cause of this whirlwind of tragedy? This is exactly what will happen in Yemen. The Dec. 26 Saudi airstrike in Yemen that killed 68 civilians is another testament to the severity of this war’s effect on noncombatants. And while we claim to uphold the sanctity of human life, America continues to provide support for the aggressor nation.

Commenting on the implications of this disaster during an address to Canada’s National Parliament, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, warned, “The people of Yemen, whose lives and futures are being destroyed, will not only bear hatred and seek revenge from Saudi Arabia but will also bear hate towards Saudi’s arms suppliers and the West in general…members of their youth will be prone to radicalization.”

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Labeeb Ahmad

is a freshman at Kent State University’s BS/MD 6 year program. He currently serves as a Vice-Chairman of the Muslim Writers Guild of America He has been published in various local, state, and national newspapers. He is also a secretary of the Cleveland Chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association. His hobbies include reading, interfaith dialogue, writing, and playing basketball.

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