Fight on Food Insecurity


Originally published in Austin American-Statesman

With social distancing and work from home, it’s all too easy to get buried in the news coverage surrounding the coronavirus crisis.

At the same time, there is a lot of need in our communities. Our food banks are under strain due to increased demand. Our blood banks are in need of life-saving donations. Our elderly and high-risk individuals would appreciate a helping hand picking up groceries and medications.

Inspired by the teachings of Islam, Ahmadiyya Muslim youth in Texas are at the forefront of serving the needy in Austin, Houston and Dallas by volunteering to fight food insecurity. Let’s all work together to support our community in this trying time.

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Abdul Naseer

Dr. Abdul Naseer Malmi Kakkada is postdoctoral research scientist at the University of Maryland - College Park. He works in the area of theoretical biophysics conducting research into topics such as protein folding and adaptation mechanism in bacteria. Prior to moving to the DC area he lived in Minnesota where he published in various local and state newspapers, as he is passionate about writing on topics related to faith & society.

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