School’s reaction does not add up


Originally published in The Sacramento Bee

Re “Clock clash gets student invited to White House” (Page 10A, Sept. 17): I remember ninth grade very well. I was called a terrorist practically every day. When Osama bin Laden was killed, two kids gave me their condolences by shouting, “Sorry about your grandpa!” But I cannot imagine those Islamophobic sentiments being acted upon by teachers.

Ninth-grade student Ahmed Mohamed was arrested in Texas. Teachers and school officials accused the 14-year-old of bringing a bomb to school; it was a homemade clock to show his teachers. Even more shocking is the teachers’ claim does not add up.

The expected reaction would be to evacuate the school and call the bomb squad. Instead they sent Ahmed and his clock to jail in a police car.

While the school’s reaction is unacceptable, the world reacted with astounding support.


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Ibrahim Ijaz

Ibrahim Ijaz is currently a second year pre-law student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is interested in pursuing International Human Rights law. Ibrahim is the President of the UM chapter of Humanity First, organizing and leading 20 students to Guatemala for a medical service trip. His interests include photography, reading, and he is also working on a historical non-fiction

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