Letters to the editor: Terror attack condemned, Middle East peace, and Michigan politics


by Imran Tahir

I was utterly shocked and horrified to hear about the truly sadistic suicide bombing in Manchester (U.K.) at the conclusion of a music concert attended by thousands of youth, most of them young girls. Terrorism in all its heinous forms — and especially depraved attacks targeting children — is a painful blight on our society, and needs to be eradicated completely through a combination of education, stringent law enforcement, and love for mankind.

As a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I unequivocally condemn the perpetrators of this cowardly violence, individuals who have defamed the peaceful religion of Islam that they falsely claim to adhere to.

It is worth noting that the identified attacker contemptuously breached the trust placed in him by the nation (Great Britain) that his parents emigrated to from war-torn, dictatorial Libya. This is a great shame, and beyond showing callous ungratefulness to his family’s adopted nation, this particular terrorist’s actions will only serve to increase the suspicion and mistrust surrounding other immigrant Muslim families in the U.K., most of whom remain fiercely loyal to their country of residence in large part due to the true teachings of Islam.

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