
Don’t judge all Muslims on actions of few


Originally Published in Abury Park Press Today, the general public views the religion of Islam with malevolence. I have experienced this myself as a 14-year-old Ahmadi Muslim, living in the suburbs of New Jersey. My mother and sister both cover themselves in public, and I pray five times every day. Because of these practices, people look upon Muslims such as myself as different. The attack on...

Religious duty to erase racism


Originally published in Enjoy Ohio Now that it is Black History Month, we cannot forget about the cruel racism and slavery that had resided in our world once. As a Muslim American, I find interesting Islam’s teachings in relation to racial equality. The Holy Prophet of Islam once stated that “a white has no superiority over a black, just as a black has no superiority over a white.” From our...

Islam’s mark on racial equality


Originally published in Las Vegas Sun A white has no superiority over a black nor does a black have any superiority over a white except by piety and good action. These were the words of Prophet Muhammad during his farewell address. He not only taught Muslims to not discriminate based on race, but also showed it from his own example by assigning Bilal, an ex-slave, the critical duty of making the...

Faith and Self


Originally published in Queens Press I am an American Ahmadi Muslim middle school student. I was born in America and will never leave it. I love this country, America, because this country is my homeland. For me, loving my homeland is like loving my mother. Loving my country is part of my faith. This is the teaching of my beloved religion, Islam. Islam not only teaches to love your motherland but...

Growing up in post-9/11 America


Originally published in New York Daily News Jamaica Hills: I am an 11-year-old American Ahmadi Muslim. My parents are from Bangladesh, and I am in sixth grade. It has been quite an experience growing up in post-9/11 America with my background. In the fifth grade, every time the topics Islam, Muslims, 9/11 or the World Trade Center were brought up, everyone, including the teacher, would stare at...

Freedom, cleanliness make US the world’s most Islamic nation


      Originally Published in the Duluth News Tribune Over Thanksgiving dinner a friend asked me a usual question: “What are you thankful for today?” My answer was rather unusual: “I am thankful to live in the most Islamic country of the world.” With a stunned face, my friend instantly reacted, “America, the most Islamic country!?” To alleviate his astonishment I tried to...



      Originally Published in the Tulsa World This might surprise some but Thanksgiving always has been a very special day to me, not only as an American but also as a Muslim. While many religions rightfully emphasize that one should be thankful to God for the many bounties that we are given, Islam goes one step further. The Prophet Muhammad has said, “He who is not thankful...

Martin Luther King’s dream remains unfulfilled


Originally published in the Duluth News Tribune Aug. 28 marked the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, which earned him a stature exclusive only to Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. All three men faced enormous challenges, but their faith, courage and sacrifices helped shape modern America by advancing the notion of basic human equality and universal freedom...

Eid Marks the End of Ramadan – The Crucible of Fasting Removes Fetters of Extravagance


Originally Published in The Santa Barbara Independent “While we should be thankful of being able to fast during the month of Ramadan, we should be particularly thankful of the freedom that we have as American Muslims,” Imam Shamshad Nasir related to a packed congregation in the Bait ul Hameed mosque in Chino, California, during Eid-ul-Fitr. Often shorted to Eid, this celebration is at the end of...

Understanding a Billion Muslims: Ten Days, Ten Deeds


Originally published in the Huffington Post Who can decipher the mind of a terrorist? In the post 9/11 America, there is a dollar-spending, ink-spilling, competition between the government and the academia to answer this question. The faith of the terrorist in the above question is typically implied while the magnitude of the problem — less than 0.1 percent of the world’s Muslims have...