Tagpamela geller

Letters to The Editor – Free speech


Originally Published in Adviser and Source There is no question regarding the condemnation of the attacks in Garland, Texas. As an Ahmadi Muslim I believe whole heartedly in the sanctity of human life and reject violence, terror, and extremism. Interestingly though, Pamela Gellar continues to push the conversation to “Free Speech” and whether or not Islam would agree with it. I...

Respond peacefully to anti-Islam ads


Originally published in The DailyHerald.com Pamela Geller has tactlessly taken constitutionally protected “free speech” to a whole new level of offense. She has put thousands of dollars into ads offensive toward minority religious groups on CTA buses in Chicago. Whatever her intentions, Islam teaches that the best response is to condemn Geller’s hateful message and respond with...

Ad campaign doesn’t understand issues


Originally Published in The Daily Herald I wonder how someone like Pamela Geller can be associated with “American Freedom,” since she seems to be out of touch with Americans. She has alienated many Americans by promoting a narrow-minded view by way of an advertising campaign which has not resulted in any good. Her group’s recent ads, which were essentially forced upon the CTA in the name of...

“Defeat Jihad” ad: Are we savages?


Originally Published in The New Jersey Record. Regarding “Ads criticizing Muslim radicals go up in N.Y.C. subways” (Page A-7, Sept. 25): Anti-jihad ads that imply Muslims are “savage” have recently gone up on New York City subways. “Defeat Jihad” and “support the civilized man,” parts of the ad read. The advertisement is the brainchild of Pamela...

Confronting Pamela Geller


Originally Published in The Huffington Post “As a Jew, I am offended to my core. Muslims have no right to invoke Moses and Abraham. This is a delegitimization of Judaism. It is offensive and vile. And while Jesus is not my guy, the same thing goes for him. It is a delegitimization of Christianity. These are not Muslim prophets.”   This typical quote from Pamela Geller perfectly...

The Muslim Sunrise Takes on 10 Critics of Islam


The Summer 2012 issue of The Muslim Sunrise, entitled, “In Defense of Islam: Confronting the Critics,” responds to anti-Islam allegations made by 10 infamous critics of Islam.  The Muslim Sunrise invites these critics to debate representatives of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community publicly, in an effort to expose their allegations “as either baseless, dishonest, or criticisms of...