We must unite to protect children


Originally published in Cincinatti.com

 Originally published in Cincinatti.com

Sandy Hook ShootingOn Sunday I saw some pictures of the Sandy Hook Elementary victims. The thought of the killer shooting at these little angels multiple times brings me devastating grief. I cannot imagine what must have been their last thought. No religion promotes such barbaric acts. I am glad that the killer’s religion—if he even had one—is not being blamed for his senseless actions.

As an American Muslim I mourn today, with my fellow citizens, at the loss of these innocent souls. I am a believer of the Quranic teaching which says that to take one innocent life is to kill all mankind. My prayers are with the victims’ families. To protect our little ones in the future, we must now unite, and condemn this atrocity.

Tariq H. Malik

Canal Winchester, Ohio



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Tariq Malik

Tariq Malik spent five years studying Theology in a private Canadian university. After returning from Canada, Tariq enrolled in the Islamic Studies program at the Ohio State University and graduated in 2012. He is an active member of the Columbus Chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association. Tariq currently works for The Review of Religions, one of the longest running comparative religions magazines, as an Associate Editor.

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