Speaking out against violence








Originally Published in The State Journal-Register


As an Ahmadi Muslim, I condemn the bus bombing near Tel Aviv last Sunday. Islam categorically rejects violence and the taking of innocent lives. The Quran states, “… if any one killed an innocent person … it would be as if he killed all of mankind.”

Furthermore, there is no place for vigilante justice in Islam. It is stated in the Quran, “those who give in times of both ease and hardship, those who control their rage and pardon other people, God loves the good-doers.” Violence accomplishes nothing, but rather creates an atmosphere of disdain and distrust amongst people.

Dialogue is preferred over revenge and violence. I pray that all those involved choose dialogue to accomplish their goals.





About the author

Saif Ahmad

Saif Ahmad is a Systems Engineer working in Chicago. He is currently serving as the Publications Secretary for the Ahmadiyya Movement Community’s Chicago Southwest chapter. He has published in various local and state newspapers and is an active member of the Muslim Writers Guild of America.

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By Saif Ahmad