Celebrate what connects our cousin faiths


Originally Published in the Times of Trenton


Islam and Christianity seem to be completely different. During Christmastime, as a Muslim-American, I think these differences seem to stand out.

Islam states that Jesus is not the son of god, while Christianity would clearly disagree. Islam does not recognize Christmas to be the birth of Jesus Christ, while Christianity would clearly disagree. Islam says that Jesus did not die on the cross, while Christianity would clearly disagree.

Despite all the differences, we share also many similarities. Christianity believes Jesus is a prophet of god and, guess what? Islam agrees. Christianity believes that Mary is a very well-respected person and, guess what? Islam agrees. Christianity believes that there is one God and, guess what? Islam agrees.

Even if Islam does not believe in Christmas, we should strive to remember our similarities during the holiday season.

About the author

Armghan Mirza
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By Armghan Mirza